With the current recession and unemployment rate increasing in this volatile economy, thousands of people are being faced with uncertain futures. In the past, you could be laid off and, with little or no changes to your resume, find another, similar or even better position. In these times of change and reorganization, many individuals are using this opportunity to review their career and assess their options by choosing a Career Coach to help them and create an action plan to move forward. Here is a list of blogs that offer tips and advice for finding that career you need and deserve. We have categorized them by the following categories: Recently Graduated, Transition, Interviewing & Resume Writing, Blogs for Women, Expert Advice, Specific Job Fields, Entrepreneurs, and Job Industry News & Updates.
Recently Graduated
The tough economy and tight labor market have made it harder for graduates to obtain employment in their fields. Increase your prospects with these blogs to help you stand out from the rest.
1.Collegiate Career Coach Blog Specializes in coaching college bound students, currently enrolled college students, and college graduates. Learn how to live up to your full potential and make your dreams reality. 2. CollegeRecruiter.com Blog: Learn how to bargain for your salary and impress the hiring manager. A good tool for acing the job searching process.
3. The Creative Career Observations on the transition from college into career. Insight on how students can adapt to the aspects in public relations, communications, and marketing that are always changing.
4. Job Hunting Tips Suggestions on resources and advice to help you choose a career before hunting for a job. Topics are on best medical careers to salary negotiations.
5. Work Coach Cafe Work Coach Cafe is the new site from Work Coach.com. It’s a place to get advice on job interviews, job searches, workplace issues and much more.
6. The Emerging Professional Learn how to be distinct while still fitting in. This Ivy League career counselor’s articles include employment trends and what the recruiters are thinking.
7. Graduate Career Coaching Get detailed posts on recruiting, interviewing, training and development. View job searching from an insider’s perspective.
8. Brazen Careerist This blog is anything but your classic career site. Formed by a group of top Gen Y thought leaders, these posts provide forward thinking and encouragement to define your own path.
9. Student Loan Blog With topics on everything from budgeting your student loans to how to make a lasting impression at that interview, this blog gives helpful hints to college students and graduates to help them be successful and choose the right career for them.
10. One Day One Job Provides listings of job opportunities for recent college graduates. Daily employer profiles are given for entry level jobs and search tips.
11. Daily Career Connection For individuals interested in growing as job professionals. When you’re just starting out or have been looking, this blog has many tips that can help.
12. EduPlan Blog This blog will inspire students and graduates into uncovering their true potential through education and maximizing opportunities for success. Brought to you by a consulting firm that offers over 15 years of expertise in the field of career development.
If you’re wanting to try a new career or industry but don’t know how to get started, these blogs will help you get on your way.
13.Coach Your Life A coaching psychologist writes about effective methods of introducing change and improving your career. Stories and techniques, reflections and exercises for anyone who want to unleash their potential. 14. MilitarytoCivilian.com Dedicated to helping military and post-military transition into the civilian job market. Includes tips on how to translate military experience on your resume and new career areas for job seekers with military backgrounds.
15. Workforce50.com Caters to workers over 50 who are searching for employment, in a transitional phase, or close to retirement.
16. BullsEyeResume This career reentry blog helps employees return to the workforce. Their goal is to help facilitate successful career reentry or transition.
17. Michele Woodward’s Coaching Blog Michelle gives coaching to individuals and businesses managing a transition. Visit her blog for useful tips and some clarity and purpose.
18. Career Test Guide Looking for a mid-life career change or even a second or third career? Get good advice from mid life career change experts.
19. Surpass Your Dreams Offers help for senior executives, vice presidents, and managers who are out of work, overworked, or are looking for a new job and self fulfillment.
20. The Risesmart Blog This blog will give insight for transitioning employees on resume writing and career advice. There is even an individual assistance program where questions can be answered.
21. Aspire Blog Educate yourself about career transition with this reinvention “strategist”. This blogger has helped many of the middle aged to start a new career and enjoy life.
22. Tips from your Career Management Authority Tips, stories, and advice for job seekers on career development and transition. Posts are full of help with resume writing, career coaching, and managing a satisfying career.
23. Bold Career: This blog is full of inspiring advice for those interested in starting a new career. Learn resume tips, HR secrets, and more.
24. TheJobBored A job search and career advice blog dedicated to the tools, tricks and tips you can use to get ahead at work. This blogs focus is on the already employed that are trying to make changes in their career paths.
25. Career Tune-up From JobDig, this blog focuses on making transitional phases in your career. Re-invent yourself and get that career you have been dreaming about.
Interviewing & Resume Writing
Create a great resume and receive some interviewing tips with some help from these blogs.
26. Job Search Advice, Resume Writing Tips from a Career Consultant Job search strategies by a professional career coach. Learn the principal practices of interviewing and resume writing. 27. ResumePower.com Offers real life resume writing advice in a number of fields. Substantial advice is given on cover letters, career change, and job search techniques.
28. Executive Resumes and Career Transition Strategies An executive resume writer provides commentary on convenient articles, useful links, and discusses executive resume writing. Updates you on career transition strategies, employment, and leadership trends.
29. Tips to Landing Your Dream Job Step by step tips on finding a job from beginning to end. Find out where to look for employment and submit your resume.
30. Corporate Warriors Learn more than 40 ways to conduct your executive job search faster and with more care. Interview tactics and professional resume writing advice are also contained in these posts.
31. Resume and Career Talks about building and creating resumes and curriculum vitae for professionals seeking job opportunities. Many career tips have been contributed also.
32. The Career Encouragement Blog Provides advice on job interviewing from start to finish. This blog covers everything from using professional email addresses to what to do if you are running late for your interview.
33. Cube Management: Recruiting Bytes: This blog, sponsored by parent company Cube Management, offers several helpful tips for making the most of your interview.
34. SkorCareer Provides quality career information to job seekers, regardless of their profession, to help build and develop their future. Resources such as job tips, resume samples, and job interview questions and answers are frequently updated.
35. Career Hub A fairly new blog helping people take charge of their job search, build confidence and advance their careers. Connect with the best minds in career counseling about resume writing, interviewing and recruiting.
36. Federal Resume Writer Blog Dedicated to helping veterans find and secure federal jobs. This blog will assist you in writing the best resume aimed at your specific federal field.
37. JobGoRound.com Blog Get coached on resume writing, job search, interview tips, and starting a new job. Provides great resources to make starting a new job pleasant, productive, and rewarding.
For Women
Women have to compete very hard in today’s job market. These blogs will boost your confidence, help you create a fantastic CV, and provide other key tips to help keep you ahead of the game.
38. Career Advice Blog Career advice and information blog on career planning and tips for working women. Articles include subjects for women re-entering work and working mothers. 39. More Than WE Know Visit this blog for information, inspiration, and support for women entrepreneurs. Liz coaches business owners with many top ten lists.
40. Career Fashion Blog Provides wardrobe and fashion advice for the professional woman. Topics are from letting you know if your skirt is too short to what shirts to wear with pin stripe suits.
41. The Glasshammer A community blog designed for women executives. The focus is on empowerment for women in financial services, law and business.
42. Women’s Leadership Blog This blog is sponsored by Future Women Leaders. Although not solely for career coaching, it shares resources, tips, and advice to inspire women to become leaders in both their professional and personal lives.
43. Marie Claire’s Career & Money Coach Blog If you have workplace worries and prickly career questions, then this blog has you covered. Read these posts and start planning your route to the corner office.
44. The Secrets of Success Blog A blog by Christine Janssen, Founder and President of Denken Research & Consulting, a boutique consulting firm in New York City. She is a huge advocate of female entrepreneurs and her posts are filled with innovative marketing strategies to help women identify unique growth opportunities.
45. Satisfying Career – Happier Life Career coach Shweta’s career advice and informational blog on work-life balance, career planning, and tips for women. Career articles and posts are updated frequently for the working women and mother.
46. The Anti 9 to 5 Guide A guide to getting yourself cubicle-free. Read her posts on flexibility, being boss-free, and otherwise nontraditional careers.
47. Career Woman Inc. Blog Devoted to the advancement of women in business. The goal is for women to reach achievement of their personal and professional aspirations.
48. Online Degree News and Views for Women offers honest female perspective and insight into getting a degree online, and improving your career options.
49. Be Gutsy Blog This blog is sponsored by Women for Hire.com. Offers a wide variety of career-related information and videos geared to working women.
50. Damsells in Success A community blog by women in all professionals. Serves as a networking tool for women and supports advancement.
51. Ag Career Woman A way for women in the agricultural industry to network and seek career advice. This blog is solely by women for women.
Expert Advice
Get useful advice and motivation from these experts in the career coaching industry.
52. Patricia Weber Pat is a business sales coach for introverts, the shy, and reluctant. Read her regularly updated blogs or click on resources to get links to her published articles for even more career tips. 53. Secrets of the Job Hunt A network of job seekers and professional career advisors. Offers video and podcasts on a number of topics, including everything from why a resume is even needed to finding a job in wind power.
54. Lion Cub Job Search A job search run by Lavie Margolin, a job search advisor since 2002. A sounding board for job search strategy in addition to relevant questions, concerns, and comments.
55. Employment Digest Combines tools, strategies, hints, and news for job hunters and those seeking career advancement. Also gives commentary from recruiters and staffing professionals keeping abreast of the market.
56. Brilliant Job Search Free advice for job hunters from expert headhunters. Can help you stay positive when working through your career change transition.
57. Corporate Presenter: Jeremy Jacobs is known as “The Voice” and offers many tips for the business minded. He gives advice on speeches, phone calls, and more.
58. Compass Strategies This is the blog of an executive coach, advisor, and business executive. A recent entry dealt with customer service and complaints.
59. Executive Speech Coach Executive speaking tips for managers, technical experts, and professionals. A fast way to transform your presentations into a convincing communication from an expert speech coach.
60. CareerDoctor.org Great advice from Dr. Randall Hansen, Career Coach. He has over 20 years of experience coaching everyone from teenagers to Senior Executives with a variety of education and job search issues.
61. Jobseekers Advice A substantial blog offering free and unconstrained career support and information from skilled advisors from all over the world.
62. Employee Evolution Written by Ryan Healy who is a Co-Founder of Brazen Careerist, one of the blogs listed above. Speak with him about best practices for recruitment and retaining employment and how to effectively use social media to reach your target market.
63. TylerCruz.com: An Internet Entrepreneur’s Journey This is the online journal of a young web entrepreneur on his journey to wealth. Tyler makes a living by creating and building websites and selling advertising on them.
Specific Career Fields
For those of you who have a specific job trade, finding a job may be a bit less stressful during this time. You can still brush up on your skill set with these blogs.
64.IT Career Coach Presents teaching and coaching for computer programmers, data analysts, and software developers. Consults on many different personal development programs to pursue careers to the next degree.
65. Find Your Ideal Career Tips on finding the right career for you. Focusing on nursing, cruise ships, and nautical and mechanical engineering.
66. Green Career Central A blog for green career seekers and career counselors. Gives great advice and helpful hints on transforming a passion for the environment into prosperity in today’s economy.
67. Style Career Connect Tools to keep you well educated when deciding on a career in fashion, beauty, or retail. Can help you decide what suits your skills and interest as well as keep you abreast of the latest news to help you create your style career.
68. Building up a career Blog from a young programmer working at an R & D Department. Aims to be a place where approaching programmers can learn what they will be facing in the real world of programming.
69. Writing Career Coach A blog for ambitious writers’ that provides teaching, career outlines and advice. Learn strategies for success on writing a novel or articles for the local newspaper.
70. Idealist.org Useful resources for people searching for a job in the non-profit area. Includes resource guides for college students and young non-profit professionals such as articles, career fairs, and financial advice.
71. TopSchoolJobs.org From the Education Week news site, this blog focuses on career resources for educators and administrators for Kindergarten through 12th grade.
72. WirelessJobs.com: Helps you locate jobs while learning about new trends in the wireless job industry.
73. Bio Job Blog: A great source for anyone interested in pursuing a career in bioscience or biotech industries. They have an “ask the recruiter” section with great training advice and more.
74. Vault A blog focusing on job seekers in banking, investment firms, and accounting. Obtain career coaching, interview preparation, and salary charts.
75. Eccentric Employment: Updated constantly, this blog provides job postings of bizarre, unconventional and very fascinating opportunities.
From direct selling to online ventures, the recession is sparking more Americans to find creative ways to supplement or replace their income. Gain some knowledge from these entrepreneurial coaching blogs.
76. Internet Marketing Tips Denise Wakeman is a skilled internet marketing strategist, whose observations can help you grow your business. Her blog is full of marketing tips including 101 low and no cost marketing tools. 77. SoloPreneur.biz Janet Slack is the owner of Life Adventure Coaching and gives tips on business, marketing, the entrepreneur, and technology. In addition to her blog, you can download her free eBook, “Biz Tips: Entrepreneur Edition.”
78. The Savvy Entrepreneur Cristina Favreau helps virtual office assistants find their authentic marketing voice. You can make a ton of extra money by following her tips or sign up for the Get Clients Now!
79. Your Career by Design Learn from this bloggers experience as an entrepreneur running an executive recruitment firm. Gain knowledge on how to differentiate yourself from my competitors.
80. Deb Bailey Transition Coach Get great advice from this sought after expert to discuss today’s most pressing workplace issues. Deborah Bailey helps entrepreneurs by helping them connect with their personal power in order to move forward in their transition from employee to entrepreneur.
81. Escape From Corporate America Pamela walked away from a six-figure job and a twelve-year corporate career to start her own business. Her posts are filled with practical guides for entrepreneurs and other renegades.
82. Purposefulentrepreneurblog.com dedicated to helping visionary entrepreneurs build successful businesses and share their spiritual gifts through articulating their purpose, activating their passion, and accelerating their profits.
83. Center for Balanced Living Existing solopreneurs can expand their success by leveraging their assets and clearing the inner blocks. There are also numerous articles on effective and authentic marketing to create wealth while doing something they love.
84.Instigator Blog – Lots of great entrepreneurial advice here. This Canadian entrepreneur’s blog is for entrepreneurs and small business owners, with an emphasis on how to start a business, run a business, marketing and technology.
85. Shaboominc.com A thriving business requires and provides resilience and continuity. How do you go about building a thriving career or business? Learn to regard mistakes as stepping stones to mastery.
86. Entrepreneur’s Journey Interested in Internet business and entrepreneurship? If so, you’ll love Australian entrepreneurs Yaro Starak’s blog. Perfect for those of you who are interested in making money online.
87. Gaebler Ventures Resources for Entrepreneurs At least once a week, serial entrepreneur Ken Gaebler posts a helpful article that provides great entrepreneurial advice. A must read for entrepreneurs.
88. Home Office Voice Martin Neumann shares his experiences as an Internet entrepreneur. There are nuggets of gold in his tips for building a web-based business.
89. Paul Allen-Internet Entrepreneur This Utah entrepreneur knows what he’s talking about and offers great advice and insights on all aspects of internet marketing and entrepreneurship.
90. Mind Petals Smart, creative, and young entrepreneurs from all over the world hang out at this site. It’s a community that produces informative, inspiring, and motivating content to spark the minds of all entrepreneurs.
News & Updates
Stay updated on your career search with these blogs. They cover the current issues of unemployment and the economy that are affecting us in today’s society.
91. JIST’s Job Search and Career Blog Updates readers with news from JIST Publishing and the latest information on the labor market. Reveals result oriented techniques for career success and job search. 92. Career and Job Hunting Blog This career development and job search blog gives job seekers the most current trends, news and exclusive updates on the employment scene.
93. The Career News Stay abreast of the latest breaking news items affecting the employment scene. Read about employee rights, job seeking statistics, employee benefits, salary trends and other important career news.
94. Pink Slip Dedicated to providing posts related to news about the workplace, business, management, the economy, lay-offs, and anything else to discuss that’s employment related.
95. The Inside Job From U.S. News, this blog is written by Liz Wolgemuth. Her posts focus on news releases related to the job market. Liz Wolgemuth’s Liz Wolgemuth’s Liz Wolgemuth’s
96. Career Alley Career development and job search blog that give advice on news and current trends in the employment market. It also provides many reviews of job search sites.
97. Small Business Trends Anita Campbell follows trends in the small business market and trends in technology that affect small businesses and entrepreneurs. Definitely worth checking out.
98. All Star Resume Blog This blog offers frequently updated posts on reports released from the labor market. There are also good articles on choosing a lasting career.
99. The Job Journal Fox news teams up with Nicole Williams, best-selling author and career expert. Watch video diaries, read advice, and get the latest news for landing your next job.
100. Job Search News This blog will give you the lowdown on companies that are hiring, jobs on the rise, job shortages, and anything else going on in the employment world.
Job seeking is a challenging task in today’s economic climate. By reading some of these career coaching blogs, we hope you can find a career that will bring happiness and fulfillment by honing in on your skills and making the best of what the job market has to offer.