
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Some Changes and a Fresh Start

I started this blog back in 2009, when all of the financial experts were predicting an end to the recession in the United States by fourth quarter, 2009.

Hence, its odd URL...until2010.

Well, we all know that 2010 came and went and we are still in a down cycle. There are several reasons for this-- companies relocating jobs in cheaper countries, the massive housing crisis, and politicians trying to make each other out to be the bad guys. Really?? Can everyone stop fighting and get it together already? Anyway, some of those same experts are now predicting a few more years of pain before things level off and start getting better. Check out Recession: Will it Ever End? for more about that.

Anyway, I will save my rants for another time. I have not been doing a thing with this blog for quite some time and just revisited it today-- I think it is time to change it up a little and get it going again.

No matter what happens politically, or around the world, we all need to figure out a way to thrive. Therefore, from now on, this blog will be called ThrivingToday. It will be dedicated to things we can do NOW to make our lot in lives better-- how to make money, how to save money, how to help others. (Because we all know about karma!)

“You will rise by lifting others.”--Robert G. Ingersoll (1833-1899)

I welcome readers to share tips and advice they have found-- or just to tell any inspiring stories you might have. No Debbie Downers allowed-- I want only positive,"pick yourself up, dust yourself off" motivation. Many people have lost their jobs, and it is okay to be down about it for a little while--beyond that, time to ThriveToday!


Lizzie Barbie said...

New follower fro

Anonymous said...

Please take the time to watch and share this video. Marala Scott truly is an inspiration.
and her women’s retreat allows women the opportunity of self discovery, personal growth and conscious living by being free from the stress of everyday life.