
Thursday, April 16, 2009

What man's best friend teaches us.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
---Mark Twain
These two sweet puppies are Max, our eight month old Lab, and his "cousin" Miss Madison, who is 11 weeks old. They fight like crazy, and believe it or not, Maddie always gets the best of our sweet and lovable moose.
  • Refer to quote above. The smallest dog is capable of defending itself against insurmountable odds. Our daughter has had Madison for two weeks. She came in with her teeth bared, prepared to show Max who was boss. She did just that! It wasn't necessary with him, but she wanted him to know she was the Alpha Dog.
  • You are the most amazing person on the planet, and they must be near you at all costs. What a pick-me-up for whatever ails you!
  • Who is happiest to see you when you get home-- your husband/wife, or your dog?
  • Yell, and your dog will run away and hide. Nobody likes you when you're crabby.
  • When they're tired, they sleep. When they're hungry, they eat.
  • When it's nice outside, they don't wanna come in!
  • You just got out of bed, your breath stinks and your hair is a mess. They think you're beautiful and will even give you a big kiss!
  • When you are feeling blue, they will lay their head in your lap and let you talk or cry- they know their mere presence soothes you.

I'm not saying go out and take on the responsibility of a new family pet. (Though if you do, please "rescue" one from a shelter if possible. Many have been left homeless along with their people)

I've heard dogs live for the moment. They apparently don't have good memories and can't put situations together, so they live spontaneously. Drop the leash and they'll take off, ears flapping in the breeze, with no sense of consequences.

We could all use some of those ear-flapping, feel good moments ourselves! Spring is here---use it as an opportunity to get out and soak up some fun! (It is totally free.)

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