
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Grace In Small Things 12:365

1.Getting closer to living in FLA permanently:) Testing for a govt. job on the 18th.

2.Lebron James is MVP of the NBA. Those of us from Cleveland or Akron know he's super-talented, super-famous, super-rich, but also the most humble guy you'll ever meet. He actually accepted the award at his high school in Akron.

3.The Cavs are beating the Hawks in downtown Cleveland by a score of 39-30 as I type this. Don't want to jinx them, but I think they are unstoppable this year!

4.Somebody will surely make some moves, kick some people in the pants to get the Indians playing like major leaguers:)

5.Been reading, reading, reading about SEO and internet marketing, and I think I'm addicted.

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